The recovery of the market for second homes

According to recent studies from the Observatory developed by Fimaa and Confcommercio in relation to tourist property, now is the right time to invest in a second home.
The decline in prices due to the economic crisis and the increasing interest by foreigners towards our positive market mean that new glimmers are opening on the housing market for second homes.
Moreover the ease with which loans are granted for the purchase of this type of real estate (a significant percentage of total loans granted in Italy) is a further reason to invest in this sector.
All this helps to revitalize an industry that has suffered in a few years, even though less than others, the negative effects of the crisis.
Today, more than ever, to invest in a second home, especially in a unique setting like the one of Sardinia, represents an opportunity that touches fundamental values linked to the unparalleled natural environment, quality amenities and infrastructure and a higher lifestyle.

Immobilsarda which has been a leader in real estate in Costa Smeralsardegna-500x272da – Gallura for 40 years, has activated a sales campaign to promote its beautiful beachfront properties.
The free weekend- Open House is a winning formula that Immobilsarda offers to its customers aware that this is the best way to see the different properties, being fully immersed in the unique context of Costa Smeralda – Gallura, investing in the well-being and quality of life, according to a real existential balance.
In Immobilsarda’s vision the house is just the frame of a much more valuable paint constituted by the nature of the place in which it is inserted, and that must be discovered and felt in the right way.